Publikationen - functionHR (2024)

Sturm, Anne, Huff, Julian & Weller, Ingo (2020). Mit People Analytics eine positive Employee Experience gestalten. Handbuch HR-Management: Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf das Personalwesen.

Sturm, Anne, Huff, Julian & Süß, Julian (2020). Datengestütztes Employee Experience Management mit People Analytics. In Laske, Orthey & Schmid (Hrsg.), PersonalEntwickeln. Ausgabe September 2020

Huff, Julian, Ebert, Julia, & Süß, Julian (2020).Künstliche Intelligenz und People Analytics im Personalmanagement – Potenziale und ethische Grundsätze. In Heinemann,Stefan, & Matusiewicz, David (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Ethik in Medizin und Gesundheitswesen. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Huff, Julian & Götz, Thomas (2019).Evidenz statt Bauchgefühl? – Möglichkeiten und rechtliche Grenzen von Big Data im HR-Bereich. Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht, Beilage 2/2019 (zu Heft 24/2019).

Weller, Ingo, Hymer, Christina, Nyberg, Anthony, & Ebert, Julia (2019).How matching creates value. Cogs and wheels for human capital resources research. Academy of Management Annals.

Weller, Ingo, Süß, Julian, Evanschitzky, Heiner, & v. Wangenheim, Florian (2019).Transformational leadership, high performance work systems consensus, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Management.

Mühlbauer, Daniel, Huff, Julian, & Süß, Julian (2018).People Analytics und Arbeit 4.0. In Werther, Simon, & Bruckner, Laura (Hrsg.), Arbeit 4.0 aktiv gestalten: Die Zukunft der Arbeit zwischen Agilität, People Analytics und Digitalisierung. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Huff, Julian (2018).Studying Human Resource Management as a Complex Phenomenon: A Systems-based Approach to HRM System Effectiveness. München: HCMembers Verlag.

Abele, Maximilian, & Süß, Julian (2017). Determinants and Effects of Employment Models. Working Paper.

Ebert, Julia, & Huff, Julian (2017). Studying Interactions between Management Activities – A Comparison of Hierarchical Linear Models and Neural Networks. Working Paper.

Huff, Julian, & Schüssler, Michael (2017).Human Resource Management and the Role of Internal Fit – A Systems-Behavioral Model of HRM Effectiveness. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).People Analytics: Ein praxisorientiertes Umsetzungsmodell. Handbuch HR-Management: New Work & Arbeiten 4.0.

Mühlbauer, Daniel & Weller, Ingo (2017). Strategy Implementation, Collective Value Creation, and Competitive Heterogeneity. Working Paper.

Mühlbauer, Daniel, Schüssler, Katharina, & Schüssler, Michael (2017). Individual Differences and Behavioral Thresholds for Collective Action – A Real-Time Laboratory Simulation. Working Paper.

Huff, Julian (2016).(Re)considering the Search for Interactions between Management Activities: An Evaluation of Correspondence Between Theory and Method in Strategic Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Weller, Ingo, Michalik, Agnes, & Mühlbauer, Daniel (2013). Recruitment Implications for Organizational Tenure. In K. Y. T. Yu & D. Cable (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Recruitment (pp. 139-160). New York: Oxford University Press.

Sturm, Anne & Alwes, Birk (2021). Mit Feedback gegen Fluktuation. Personalmagazin 09-2021.

Huff, Julian, & Süß, Julian (2020).Fluktuationsprävention mit People Analytics: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten. CallCenterProfi Heft 1-2020.

Huff, Julian, & Götz, Thomas (2019).People Analytics – Was datengestütztes Personalmanagement kann und darf. Personalmagazin 01-2020.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2019).Einstellungssache: „Man muss den Daten auch Glauben schenken“.Talente Ausgabe 2 | 2019.

Huff, Julian, Mühlbauer, Daniel, & Süß, Julian (2019). People Analytics – Personalisierte Employee Experiences gestalten. personal manager 02/2019.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).Der Manager von morgen zwischen menschlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz.Journal – Das Magazin der Akademie.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018). People Analytics – KI als Teil der HR-DNA der Zukunft. HR Performance 5/2018.

Mühlbauer, Bernd, & Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018). Unverwechselbarkeit als Ziel transformationaler Führung. KU Gesundheitsmanagement Special Juni 2018.

Mühlbauer, Daniel, Huff, Julian, & Süß, Julian (2018). Compensation Analytics: Nutzenpotentiale von People Analytics im Vergütungskontext. LOHN+GEHALT 2/2018.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018). Standpunkt: Schluss mit der Zahlenphobie! Personalwirtschaft 02_2018.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017). People Analytics 101: Der Weg zum agilen Personalmanagement. HR Performance 2/2017.

Sturm, Anne (2022). Wirkungsvolle Mitarbeiterbefragungen – Zeit für einen Realitätscheck. – Das HR Praxis-Portal.

Brandstetter, Lukas (2020).Von Datenreichtum mit Informationsarmut zu strategischen Erkenntnissen.LinkedIn Pulse.

Brandstetter, Lukas (2020).Was ist People Analytics eigentlich?LinkedIn Pulse.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2019).Die Bedeutung von People Analytics für die Candidate Experience.Talentcube Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).With the little help of my robot friends: For your AI-based recruiting to become strategic…start focusing on retention and aftersales!LinkedIn Pulse.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).„Die Zukunft gehört der Berufsgruppe HR Data Scientists!“ – Interview mit function(HR). HR Tec Night Newsroom.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).Mit einem Employee Experience Hub das eigene Personalmanagement personalisieren!Zukunft Personal Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).Mit People Analytics zur Employee Experience – Gespräch mit Keynote-Speaker Daniel Mühbauer. Interview, Leipziger-HRM-Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).Auf dem Weg zum Daten-basierten HR-Management braucht es informierten Pragmatismus!Interview, Event-Blog Workforce Analytics FORUM.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2018).Wie Sie mit People Analytics einfach bessere Entscheidungen treffen. Interview, Personio Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).Besseres Recruiting dank People Analytics – Auf ein Helles mit Daniel Mühlbauer – Podcast-Episode Nr. 7. Interview und Podcast, personalmarketing2null.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).Agiles Personalmanagement mit People Analytics. Gast-Beitrag, aconso News.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).„Start-up HR“ – Interview mit Daniel Mühlbauer von function(HR) über Workforce Analytics. Interview, HR Strategie Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).Mit People Analytics endlich auf dem Weg zum Business Partner. Interview, Leipziger-HRM-Blog.

Mühlbauer, Daniel (2017).Statistik trifft HR-Herz: Schluss mit Data-Flickenteppich und „Entweder-oder“ in People Analytics. Interview, HR is not a crime.

Persoblogger (2020).Wie es Arbeitnehmern im Corona-bedingten Homeoffice geht.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2020).Mit Mutter im Homeoffice. FAZ 25.04.2020.

WirtschaftsWoche (2020).Homeoffice wegen Corona: To-do-Liste gegen die Unsicherheit.

managerSeminare (2020).Big Brother ­Business? HR Analytics. managerSeminare 265.

personalmagazin (2020).Studie zu HR-Startups – Alles auf Neustart. Personalmagazin 04-2020.

personalmagazin (2020).Die HR-Start-ups im Überblick. Personalmagazin 04-2020.

T-Systems Multimedia Solutions Corporate Blog (2020).HR Reporting in Echtzeit und datengestütztes Personalmanagement mit People Analytics?

EU-Startups Magazine (2020).10 promising European HR startups to watch in 2020.

change factory Blog (2020).Und wie machen Sie sich fit für 2020?

Personio Blog (2020).5 Trends, die HR Manager 2020 auf Trab halten werden.

Personalmagazin (2019).Wie Startups den HR-Softwaremarkt beleben.

LeadershipGarage (2019).Superrelevant, superbesucht, superlehrreich: Die Lounge 11/2019 zum Thema Superleadership.

Personalwirtschaft (2019). Special SAP u. Partner. Personalwirtschaft 10_2019.

LeadershipGarage (2019).Im IBM Watson IoT Center: Eindrücke unserer Lounge-Location.

HR TEC Night Newsroom (2019).Das war das 1. Halbjahr 2019 – HR TEC Nights.

managerSeminare Blog (2019).#hoffest2019: Wo bleibt der Mensch in der Digitalisierung?

Masters of Transformation (2019).HRpepper Hoffest 2019 | Event-Audiografie. Masters of Transformation Podcast Episode 086.

Capterra Blog (2019).Diese HR-Startups könnten den Recruiting Markt verändern.

wirtschaft+weiterbildung (2019).Wie künstliche Intelligenz bald den Alltag bestimmt. wirtschaft+weiterbildung 01_2019.

Masters of Transformation (2018).Reise ins New Work Land | Teil 1. Masters of Transformation Podcast Episode 071.

saatkorn (2018).50 spannende HR Startups aus der DACH Region.

CODE_n Blog (2018).MEET OUR CODE_N CONTEST FINALISTS 2018: function(HR) from Germany.

Die Welt (2018).Alles im Blick mit der passenden HR-Software. Analyse: Wirtschaft, Juli 2018.

Capgemini Invent Blog (2018).Am Anfang einer Trendwende in HR oder schon am Ende mit dem eigenen Latein – Wo stehen wir bei der Realisierung von People Analytics?

saatkorn (2018).HR Startups Serie: Heute mit function(HR).

Human Resources Manager News (2018).Endlich berechenbar?.

Zukunft Personal Blog (2018).Up and Coming: 12 German HR tech startups to watch.

PERSONALFÜHRUNG (2018).Schöne neue Welt – ein Trend wird Wirklichkeit. PERSONALFÜHRUNG 5.2018.

PERSONALFÜHRUNG (2018).HR und Big Data: Erfahrungen, Erkenntnisse, Überraschungen. PERSONALFÜHRUNG 2.2018.

Business Punk (2017).HR Innovation Award: Das sind die Gewinner 2017.

Haufe Online (2017).Die Gewinner des HR Innovation Award 2017.

Human Resources Manager (2017). People Analytics. Human Resources Manager August / September 2017: Thema Künstliche Intelligenz.

Munich Startup (2017).Münchner Startups triumphieren beim HR Innovation Award.

Personalmagazin (2017).Intelligente Innovationen. Personalmagazin 11-2017.

Personalmagazin (2017).Make it simple! Einfach, effizient und effektiv: Ein Einblick in die Siegerbeiträge der Start-ups. Personalmagazin 11-2017.

Personalmagazin (2017).People Analytics für jedermann. Personalmagazin Spezial: HR Start-up Guide 2017.

wirtschaft+weiterbildung (2017). HR Innovation Award 2017: Das sind die Gewinner. wirtschaft+weiterbildung 11/12_2017.

Publikationen - functionHR (2024)


What are the 7 main functions of HR? ›

On this page, you'll find the main functions of an HR department, and what each entails:
  • Recruitment and hiring.
  • Training and development.
  • Employer-employee relations.
  • Maintain company culture.
  • Manage employee benefits.
  • Create a safe work environment.
  • Handle disciplinary actions.

What are the 5 main functions of HR? ›

There are five typical HR functions: talent management, compensation and benefits, training and development, compliance, and worker safety. The different areas of HR have a lot of crossover between different HR duties and other departments.

What are the 4 functions of human resource management? ›

To sum up, the four key functions of HRM are: Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, and Employee Relations. Each function is important in its own right and plays a vital role in the successful running of any organization.

What are the 8 functions of HR? ›

What are the main functions of HR? The main functions of HR in an organization include HR planning, managing the recruitment and selection process, and overseeing employee relations, compensation, benefits, performance management, and learning and development programs.

What are the three major roles of HR management? ›

The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose of HRM is to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees.

What does HR actually do? ›

HR's primary activities include recruitment, administration, compensation and benefits, training and development, and employee relations and performance management.

What is the most basic and important HR function? ›

Function 1: Recruiting, hiring, and onboarding

Because an organization's lifeblood is its employees, making sure the right calibre of candidates are hired is crucial for future success. Each employee's contribution plays a huge role in a business's growth. Essentially, a bad hire is bad for business.

What are the 7 HR processes? ›

Human Resource activities fall under 7 core functions: Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance Management, Employee Relations, Employment Law and Compliance, Compensation and Benefits and Administration, Payroll & HR Systems.

What are HR role and responsibilities? ›

HR's roles and responsibilities in the corporate world include hiring, training, managing, and creating corporate policies. The human resources department of a business focuses on its employees, who are its most valuable asset, and oversees and manages the employee life cycle.

What is the newest function of HR? ›

HR functions include traditional roles like training employees and managing their benefits and payroll. They also include newer roles, such as marketing and labor relations.

What is the primary function of HR? ›

In simplest terms, the HR (Human Resources) department is a group who is responsible for managing the employee life cycle (i.e., recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and firing employees) and administering employee benefits.

What are the 4 pillars of HR management? ›

Human Resources | People Analytics

Talent management systems are generally considered to be consisting of four "pillars:" recruitment, performance management, corporate learning and compensation management.

What are the 4 C's of human resource management? ›

One of the most interesting and possibly best-known aspects of the Harvard HRM Framework is the list of HR outcomes (the 4Cs): Commitment, Congruence, Competence and Cost-effectiveness.

What are the 7 keys of HR? ›

Human Resource activities fall under 7 core functions: Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance Management, Employee Relations, Employment Law and Compliance, Compensation and Benefits and Administration, Payroll & HR Systems.

What are the 7 tasks of HR manager? ›

Hiring, training, compensation, benefits, performance management, organisational design, succession planning, and retention management—all fall under the functions of HR manager. They also ensure that employees are happy and well-supported to do their job well.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.