The History of KENDO | 全日本剣道連盟 AJKF (2024)

Appearance of the Japanese Sword

The origins of kendo are deeply intertwined with the evolution of the Japanese sword. This iconic weapon, with its distinctive curved blade and raised edge known as the shinogi, is a uniquely Japanese creation, first emerging during the mid-Heian period (794-1185). The precursor to this sword was already being wielded in the early Heian period by a tribe in Japan’s Tohoku region, renowned for their mounted warfare expertise. Over time, various warrior factions adopted the sword, leading to significant advancements in its production, particularly at the end of the Kamakura period (1185-1333). Parallel to the sword’s evolution, the art of swordsmanship also underwent considerable refinement. Techniques exploiting the sword’s curvature and shinogi became more sophisticated. Many terms now common in modern kendo, such as “shinogi wo kezuru” (grinding the shinogi together) and “tsubazeriai” (close-quarters tussle), are direct descendants of these historical developments.

Muromachi Period (1336–1573)

Following the tumultuous Onin War (1467-1477), Japan found itself mired in a state of chaos that lasted nearly a century. It was during this period of disorder that various schools of swordsmanship began to flourish. In crafting their swords, Japanese blacksmiths harnessed high-quality iron sand found in riverbeds, employing the traditional tatara-buki method to produce a distinctive type of steel. This same method proved invaluable after guns were introduced to Tanegashima in 1543, as it was adapted to quickly mass-produce firearms.

This infusion of new weaponry precipitated a dramatic shift in combat tactics. The era witnessed a move away from heavily armored warfare to more agile, close-quarters combat. As a result, sword-making techniques evolved, becoming more intricate and refined, informed by real battle experiences. During this transformative period, the “uchi-gatana” emerged as a popular weapon. Characterized by its upward-facing cutting edge and worn at the side, the uchi-gatana was widely adopted across various swordsmanship schools, including the Shinkage-ryu and Itto-ryu.

Edo Period (1603–1868)

With the advent of the Edo Shogunate, Japan entered a prolonged era of peace, during which the nature of swordsmanship underwent a profound transformation. It evolved from merely being a tool for killing to “katsuninken,” a discipline focusing on personal development and character building. This epoch was marked by fervent discourse on both the technical and psychological aspects of swordsmanship, exploring its deeper applications in life.

The early Edo period witnessed the creation of several influential texts that significantly shaped the art of swordsmanship. Among these was the “Heiho Kadensho” (1632), authored by Yagyu Munenori, who served as a swordsmanship instructor to the third shogun, Iemitsu. Another notable work was “Fudochi Shinmyoroku” (1645) by Takuan Soho, a text delving into the intricate relationship between the sword and Zen philosophy, reflecting Soho’s interactions with Munenori. Additionally, Miyamoto Musashi’s “Gorin no Sho” stands as a significant contribution in the genre.

As the Edo period progressed into its middle and later stages, various swordsmanship schools continued to develop and publish sophisticated theoretical treatises. These works have endured through the centuries. Today, they serve as seminal treatises, offering invaluable insights and inspiration to kendoka.

The pivotal question that these works posed to the samurai centered on the profound contemplation of transcending death to attain true life. This philosophical inquiry formed the core of a samurai’s education, guiding them not only in martial prowess but also in moral and spiritual development. Through these texts, samurai were instructed in the virtues of discipline and frugality. These teachings extended beyond physical training, instilling in the samurai the importance of continuously sharpening their skills and dedicating themselves to the rigorous practice of martial arts. Morally, the texts served as a compass, teaching the samurai to discern right from wrong and instilling in them a sense of duty to serve society, especially in times of need. From these teachings emerged what is known as “the spirit of bushido,” a code that became the lifeblood of the samurai ethos. This spirit flourished and was nurtured during the 265 years of peace under the Tokugawa Shogunate, known as “Pax Tokugawa.” The era’s relative tranquility allowed for a deeper exploration and embedding of these values within the samurai class and, by extension, Japanese society.

Peace brought about a transformation in swordsmanship from practical techniques to those that were more flamboyant. This in turn catalyzed a new style of swordsmanship. In the Shotoku era (1711-1715), Naganuma Shirozaemon Kunisato of the Jikishin Kage-ryu school popularized the uchikomi keiko-ho method of practice, in which adepts struck each other with bamboo swords (shinai) while wearing protective equipment. This is a direct precursor to modern kendo. Later, during the Horeki era (1751-1764), Nakanishi Chuzo Tsugutake of the Itto-ryu adopted and improved the uchikomi practice method with wearing an iron mask (men) and bamboo sparring armor. This quickly spread to many other schools of the day, and during the Kansei era (1789-1801), matches between different schools of swordsmanship became popular as swordsmen travelled the countryside seeking out strong opponents to test their skills against.

In the late-Edo period, the yotsu-wari shinai (made from four slats of bamboo) was invented, which was more durable than the hitherto popular f*ckuro shinai (bamboo wrapped in leather). Also, the do (torso protector) made of tanned leather and hardened with lacquer was developed. The “Three Great Dojo of Edo,” as they are commonly called, became famous during this time: Chiba Shusaku’s Genbukan, Saito Yakuro’s Renpeikan, and Momonoi Shunzo’s Shigakukan. Chiba also systematized shinai-uchi (full contact) techniques in his “68 Waza of Kenjutsu” according to datotsubui (striking targets). The names of techniques such as oikomi-men and suriage-men, named by Chiba, are still in use today.

Meiji Period (1868–1912)

With the conclusion of the Edo shogunate and the dawn of the Meiji period after the Meiji Restoration, Japan underwent significant changes. The establishment of a new government led to the abolition of the samurai class and the prohibition of wearing swords, causing a decline in swordsmanship. In response to these developments, 1877’s Satsuma Rebellion sparked a revival in the art, driven by the Metropolitan Police Department (Keishicho). Recognizing the ongoing relevance of martial arts, the Dai-Nippon Butokukai was founded in 1895. This national society aimed to preserve and promote martial arts, fostering “martial virtue” among the public. In 1899, the publication of Nitobe Inazo’s “Bushido” in English provided a global audience with insights into the samurai ethos, solidifying its influence in the modern era.

Taisho Period (1912–1926)

In 1912, the creation of the “Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kendo Kata” (Greater Japan Imperial Kendo Kata), which was later renamed “Nihon Kendo Kata”, marked a significant milestone in the history of kendo. This was the first instance where the term “kendo” was officially used. The primary objective of these kata was to standardize the diverse techniques of various swordsmanship schools, thereby ensuring the skills and spirit of the nihonto(Japanese sword) were preserved for future generations. Additionally, the kata sought to address issues such as the improper use of the shinai and the prevalent tendency to strike without considering the correct cutting angle (hasuji), problems that arose with the increasing popularity of shinai-uchi kendo.

The concept of the shinai as a surrogate for the nihonto gained widespread acceptance. In 1919, Nishikubo Hiromichi, recognizing the profound significance of self-cultivation inherent in the term “bu” (martial), proposed that “bujutsu” (martial techniques) and “bugei” (martial arts) should be unified under the concept of “budo” (martial way). Consequently, “kenjutsu” and “gekken” (sword techniques) were collectively referred to as “kendo” (way of the sword), further solidifying the discipline’s philosophical and practical foundations.

Postwar (1945~)

Following Japan’s defeat in World War II in 1945 and the occupation by Allied Forces, kendo was banned. However, with the restoration of Japan’s sovereignty in 1952, the All Japan Kendo Federation was established, signaling the revival of kendo. It was reintroduced not just as a martial art but also as a component of physical education and a sport. In 1975, the “Concept of Kendo” was conceived, aiming to promote a deeper understanding of the true nature of kendo. Then, in 2007, following a revision to the Fundamental Law of Education, “The Mindset of Kendo Instruction” was established. This new guideline emphasized the real meaning of the shinai, the importance of etiquette, and the application of kendo principles in life. These developments have been instrumental in shaping the contemporary practice and perception of kendo.

Kendo today is a significant component of school physical education in Japan and has gained popularity among people of all ages, including both males and females. Its international appeal is evident, with an increasing number of enthusiasts worldwide. The International Kendo Federation (IKF, now FIK), established in 1970, was a major step in promoting kendo globally. The first World Kendo Championships, held at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan, further highlighted its growing international presence. By September 2018, the 17th World Kendo Championships in Incheon, Korea, saw participation from athletes from 56 countries and regions, demonstrating kendo’s expansive reach. The 19th World Kendo Championships are set to be held in Milan, Italy, in July 2024, continuing the tradition of international competition and cultural exchange.


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The History of KENDO | 全日本剣道連盟 AJKF (2024)


剣道の発祥国はどこですか? ›

剣道の歴史の始まりは日本刀の出現と同時といえます。 彎刀(わんとう)で鎬造りの刀は日本独特で、平安時代の中頃に出現しました。 応仁の乱より始まる戦乱の時代に、剣術流派が相次いで成立しましたが、鉄砲の伝来により、戦闘方式は軽装備の白兵戦へと移っていきます。

剣道の始祖は誰ですか? ›

剣道の始祖と仰がれる愛洲移香斎を偲び、毎年8月に行われている祭り。 全国各地各流派演武者による武芸奉納が行われる。

剣道が広めた人は誰ですか? ›

中山 博道(なかやま はくどう / ひろみち、1872年3月19日〈明治5年2月11日〉 - 1958年〈昭和33年〉12月14日)は、日本の武道家。 流派は神伝重信流、神道無念流剣術、神道夢想流杖術。 称号は剣道範士、居合術範士、杖術範士。 大日本武徳会から史上初めて剣・居・杖の三道で範士号を授与された人物である。

剣道はどこの国のスポーツですか? ›

柔道、空手、剣道、合気道、薙刀、古武道など日本が発祥となった武道は日本国内で愛好者が絶えることなく、近代では外国人も虜にしています。 オリンピック競技になっている柔道や空手をはじめとし、今や武道を稽古する人は年齢や国籍、人種を問わず世界中に広がっています。

剣道 8段 最年少 誰? ›

1958年(昭和33年)、第3回西日本スポーツ賞受賞。 1959年(昭和34年)5月、全日本剣道連盟から48歳、最年少で剣道八段を授与される。

剣道は何段からすごいですか? ›

ただし、四段は地方審査となるため、レベルの差が大きい点は否めません。 その点、審査基準が統一されるのが六段以上の全国審査なので、六段以上こそすごいといえるレベルです。 ただし、本当にすごいのは合格率0.5~1%の審査を通過した八段でしょう。 剣道に興味を持たれたら、道場ナビでお近くの剣道道場を検索してみてください。

剣道の死亡率は? ›


剣道が盛んな地域はどこですか? ›

全日本剣道道場連盟によると、全国の道場数は約2200。 その約5分の1が九州にある。 九州は「(全国の)1割経済」と言われることを考えれば、剣道場の水準感はその2倍だ。 全国の道場数で5位が佐賀県(82)、6位が福岡県(81)。

なぜ警察は剣道をやる? ›



キムタクの剣道歴は? ›


小学校1年生から高校1年生まで、剣道を続けていました。 人気番組「SMAP×SMAP」(フジテレビ)では、「木村小次郎」として同メンバーの草彅剛さんと共に剣道の腕前を披露していました。 近年では、映画「無限の住人」や特別ドラマ「教場」で剣道の腕前が披露され、ネットやSNSで話題を呼びました。

キムタクは剣道で優勝しましたか? ›

個人による学生日本一を争う第71回全日本学生剣道選手権(毎日新聞社、全日本学生剣道連盟主催)は2日、東京・日本武道館で行われ、鹿屋体大の木村恵都四段(4年・水戸葵陵)が初優勝した。 決勝は、相手の法大・鈴木龍哉四段(3年・九州学院)が試合中のケガのため、途中棄権した。

剣道で日本最強は誰ですか? ›

強豪ひしめく全日本剣道選手権大会で史上最多の6度優勝、さらには史上初の2連覇(2度)という偉業を成した神奈川県警察剣道名誉師範の宮崎正裕さん。 2023年5月には、剣道家として最高位である範士八段の称号を授与されました。

剣道で最強の国は? ›


何と14回! 唯一優勝を逃した大会は1位韓国、2位アメリカ、3位に日本という成績。

アメリカの剣道人口は? ›


剣道が海外で人気な理由は何ですか? ›

剣道が外国人から人気な理由には、礼節を重んじている日本人らしさがポイントとして挙げられます。 スポーツ競技としても人気が高いですが、それ以上に武道としての背景が強く、精神的な要素に魅力を感じる外国人も多いです。

剣道の発案者は誰ですか? ›


剣道は日本の国技ですか? ›

相撲は古来からの伝統を持ち、公式に制定こそされてないが「日本の国技」という共通認識がされている。 日本は、法令や政令で国技を定めてはいない。 宮内庁から天皇杯を下賜されている武道は、大相撲、アマチュア相撲、柔道、剣道、弓道である

剣道の起源は韓国ですか? ›

「コムド」とは韓国で行われているスポーツで、現代剣道の起源は剣道であるとする説が有力です。 日本は明治期に、日露戦争を経て韓国併合を進めていったという歴史があり、日本の竹刀や道着・袴を着用した剣道の風習はこのころに韓国に伝えられたと考えられています。 この「コムド」については、韓国内に多くの競技団体が存在します。

剣術の始祖は誰ですか? ›

京八流(きょうはちりゅう)は、日本の剣術の源流・始祖とされる流派の一つ。 平安時代末期に鬼一法眼が京都の鞍馬山で8人の僧に刀法を伝えたところを始祖として、多くの剣術の源流になったとされる。


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