Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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few days the temperatureshave stayed tn the $9 million additional HB541 INVITED TO A REAL Gospel Meeting Of lat River Missouri Bismarck fined $750 and costs Speaking Nightly at 7:30 April 13 to 18 AT THE Church of Christ 1TCHEN BY fGRIHAM 'Mhus or WE SALE 2363 80 883 19 MEANS LESS WORK the Belleview Valley Dollars iMUHUiiiKniiiiiiiiniiiiiimiEiiBiiiiiiBiiiimsininBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimimifc HBLaRADE 1 General Merchandise ba jnt BCimuMtmmiiiu cm: ree checking OUR CROP HAIL INSURANCE WITH OTHER COMPANIES 1 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY really REE! 1 GET TRUE COST REE CHECKING NOTICE All checks paid at par PLUS YOU GET HIGHEST BANK INTEREST Ox or write State TO YOUR INVESTMENT PROIT? WE WILL WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY David Hagerty BELGRADE MO Bismarck Rural ire bank Protection aU ALA COLUMBIA MISSOURI a 3 HAROLD TURNER CAROL TURNER BB 3 3 also to the families of Mrs Hobart Hawk of Bismarck and Sherman Gillam of Desloge both former residents here regular eye examination The sale of the Crandall farm to the was com pleted recently and Rosann Crandall has left to make her home near her In 3 3 your Bankmarfc 6 3 BISMARCK LODGE No 4L A A Case Report rom Bismarck Police Court gether with the natural growth of the State and the possible underestimation of the antici pated revenue for the fiscal year 1969 70 would in all pro bability create a surplus at the end of this coming fiscal year i Harol1' Turner Carol Turner BELGRADE MISSOURI (3622 munity where she lived of Ironton were In charge of the services and burial at a small church several miles south of She is survived by bills Undoubtedly it will be reported In the papers that the finances of the State of Mis souri are in dire straits and there Is an urgent need for a tax Increase Thlsisnotneces sarily the situation Mere pas sage of the acceleration bills would balance the budget for the the factors Involved in the de cision to close the schools The St Joseph High School enrolled approximately 100 students this year Present plans call for con tinuing the parochial grade college at Poplar Bluff Mildred and Lewis Pierce were at PAINT PLUMBING SUPPLIES HARD WARE GROCERIES LUNCH MEAT LIQUOR PICNIC AND ISHING SUP PLIES AMMUNITION DRUGS CUR IOS AND BOTTLE GAS No minimum balance no service charges nd matter how many checks you write Wednesday April 9 at 7:30 PM and continue through Sunday April 13 The evangelist will be Elder Kenneth Gibson missionary pastor of the Valley Park Baptist Church He is the twenty three year old grandson of the late James Gib son who was a former pastor of Temple Church There will be special singing each night and NO CALLS WILL BE ANSWERED ANY NON TAG HOLDER WITHOUT A GUARANTEE AT SCENE THE IRE CARD THANKS We wish to take thos oppor tunity to express our deep appreciation to Rev Edwards Rev Leathers the Baptist Church Sabylla Chapter OES Samaritlan Shrine John Eggers the vocalist and his accompan ist Ruth Ruble Caldwell uneral Home and the many relatives friends and neighbors for the food flowers and ser vices rendered by each The thoughtfulness of all has made our recent sorrow much easier to bear Hobart Hawk and Children Increase in income taxes for Individuals and corporations the bill ran into trouble Depending upon whose ver sion of 543 is taken it would bring into general rev enue between $50 and 100 mil lion The bill as introduced would increase the graduated payments on individual income taxes to 12 per cent for all parties netting above $2000000 per year A substitute bill which would have reduced the maximum tax to 8 percent was finally debated to conclu sion and failed passage by some 20 votes The House leader March 29 Pauline Stevens Etna Barr Gerene and Roy Bar? attended the wedding last Saturday evening for Janet May Ogle aud Norman Dudley Med which suggestions for board members may be made The EVERYONE WELCOME! NO COLLECTION! and found both sharing the same' room and getting along very well Mr Pierce hopes to re turn to his home here when the weather is warmer rain turn mom with more showersfore I HOW ABOUT GIVING US A CHANCE TO PROTECT Colonial Nursing Home BISMARCK MISSOURI or aged invalids and convalescents Run under Median Supervision: Licensed Nurse 24 or Information Call PE 4 2846 or OX 7 2336 Belleview Mo Owned and Operated By Jack Wilma Thomas riday March 28 We have Paul and John Lands Veatrlce Jay 'to the ORDER THE BISMARCK GAZETTE April 3 1969 Page 3 The following cases were heard before Police Judge Andy Lucas in the Bismarck Police Court on March 22 and 29 aye Snead Elvtas Gary Busenbark lat River Oran Mills Mine LaMotte Everett Persons Pilot Knob Harold OUR COMPANY HAS BEEN INSURING MISSOURI ARMERS SINCE 1897 AND IS LOCATED RIGHT HERE IN WITH LOCAL ADJUSTERS RATES ARE NOT AECTED BY LOSSES IN OTHER STATES Our Company has the largest volume and the lowest average annual east of any company operating in Missouri with rates adjusted to the losses for the season to tax measures but rather chose to go to other matters on the calendar Still to be discussed is the fate of fiscal year 1969 70 This to 543 and 540 which in creases corporate franchise taxes Beginning on Monday March 24 the House will take up appro priation bills These bills have come out of the Appropriations Commitee with substantial cuts The cuts do not take into consideration possible funding by passage of the acceleration Ronald Mills Potosi fined $500 and costs for fail ure to stop at stop sign Leon ard Danlely of lat River fined $500 and costs for loud muffler Carl Jones Middlebrook James' Dickerson Leadington Michael Thomas Mine La Motte Gary McIntire Ironton Bob Schrum Bismarck Rich ard Johnson Bismarck John Thomas Irondale Robert Barnes Irondale Bart Crader Jr Bismarck Joseph Womble Middlebrook David Mcarland lat River all fined $2500 and costs for speeding MEETS IRST AND THIRD SATURDAYS IN EACH MONTH MILTON BRUNE WM JOHN BRUNE SEC'Y uneral Home in Ironton to see the McCabe family Ronald McCabe 24 was killed Saturday night in a car 'accident at Ironton services were in Thursday PM for Mr 'Jim Hill 77 who was the husband of the former ay Hall mother of Wilma Brooks and Ruth Lands Several from here 'attended the funeral or were atSparks uneral Home on Wed nesday night They Include Charley Brooks Max Welker remember and make plansto st and aris DeClue and families tend the pre Easter service at OUR BismarclV Missouri up her belongings several days ago and she expected to visit friends at Bismarck and DeSoto for a few days We will missher in this community but all sented a plaque from the Valley her friends wish her well in her Lions to George Nipper as their appreciation for his many years as Scoutmaster of Troop 433There were eighteen of the Val Jey Lions who received pins for 100 attendance during the past year The door prize drawing for the ladles was won by Carol Turner and she was given the lovely flower arrangement used on the head table JUst as soon as they finished eating on Monday might Ruth and Glynn Turner and "Lena and Jay Nicholson left and drove to was last night at the home of Myrna Beers We were happy to have everyone of our sixteen members present Edith Neely their daughter to be held at the led devotional service and La Baptist Church in Viburnum Von ields gave the lesson material on the Generation Gap how adults can hope to better understand the youth problems of today During the business we made a $300 payment on the lock and report that it was a building fund and decided to have very lovely affair The groom a rummage sale at the ire is from Salem and both he and House on the third Saturday the bride have been attending a April mtn we nope many wiu could be met with $23 million extra This however would not fund an Increase In school aid as recommended In the a mount of $35 million capital Included in the improvements as recommended in the amount of $35 million or new programs as recommended 539 in the amount of $10 million and but BUY YOURS NOW AT THE OLD PRICEU $750 MATTERS POLITICS BY REPRESENTATIVE MARVIN DINGER 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 101 8 1 1 a a 8 8 8 8 1 1 8 8 1 1 88 I 8 1 8 0 QO This past week tax Increases were the order of the day On Tuesday March 18 the so called "tax was brought up for floor action in the House "tax are eight bills 536 through 543 House bills 536 through are "acceleration would not increase taxes rather would accelerate pay ment of taxes Into the State treasury 536 pertains to payment of corporate taxes 537 pertains to the ac celerated collection of sales and use taxes 538 provides by the House would bring In that corporation franchise taxes are payable by May 15 and which provides for the removal 539 provides for larger busl of federal income taxes as a nesses to make monthly deduction on state income payments of employee withhold taxes was perfected but by a Ing taxes small majority and may be in All acceleration bills were trouble on final passage When perfected after considerable the House proceeded to take up discussion and will undoubtedly 543 which pertains to an be passed by the House and sent to the Senate in the near future These bills would bring in to the State treasury during the 1969 70 fiscal year an addi tional $60 million overtheanti clpated revenue This would not mean an increase of $60 million per year of revenue but merely an Increase for the 1969 70 fiscal year Revenue for following fiscal years would revert back to the regular anti cipated revenue on the accele rated basis The State budget first ex ceeded $1 billion In the fiscal year 1966 67 Just three years later the budget for the fiscal ship on Thursday did not revert year 1969 70 as recommended by the Governor is $1 billion 338 million or an increase of 33 13 per cent In less than four years The House has been told that anticipated revenue to pay for the proposed 1969 70 fiscal year of $1 billion 338 million Is short by $37 million and that this $37 million will have to be made up by a tax in crease or the budget will have to be cut By passage of the acceleration bills this budget 2 3 4 Allows extra harvest expense on losses in excess of 70 That is if the loss amounts to 80 you will be paid 85 When loss is 90 yeu will be paid 100 5 Premium waiver and full insurance in event of death between March 1 and October I and no loss has occurred 6 Immediate protection goes into effect when written no 24 hour waiting period 7 Gives you fire protection to first point of destination 8 Dividends in each of past 20 years St Joseph High School To Close Archbishop John Car berry of St Louis formally announced last week that the St Joseph Regional High School at armington as well as the St Joseph Elementary School at Bonne Terre would be clos ed at the completion of this school year The high cost of maintaining the school system and a teacher shortage were cited as among annual meeting on riday evening April 25 It will be held at Res taurant Highway 100 St Louis County Senator Symington has had a long experience in city state national and world affairs and Is expected to bring the member ship both a broad perspective and fine line look in regard to the Basin program Election of the board of di rectors of MBA will take place by mail ballot according to the by laws Only paid up 1969 members may vote nominate or be a candidate for the board it was pointed out Byron Schubel of Hillsboro Ulis past weekend as the whole nation mourned the pass ing of former President Eisen hower we have been saddened by a death in our own family Late Saturday my cousin Kenneth Schreiner of Marble Hill Mo called to tell me of the death of his father Char les Schreiner after having had major surgery on Thursday Uncle Charley 73 was the: husband of my sister wh0 dled several years ago but enIted he had always remained very at Caledonia was filled Sunday close to her relatives Monday i 1 nu 1 OJ wuhi wiwi uncie Aiueri oau Wednesday and temperature and Martha Sago staying in the It was down to 25 early Thursday with a and many of the Valley High lt left us although the past nusc men warmeu io near 50 Was 40 this morn and quite windy although sup pose to go up in the be fore a very cold wave moves in tonight The first mocking school and the Belleview com bird heard this spring woke me up this morn as he sang for a long time from his perch in our big sweet apple tree in the corner of our garden We are Belleview glad to welcome him back and her father and stepmother a hope to hear him many mom twin sister who Is married tags But I fear the poor fel and many other grieved low will have to hide out if relatives it gets as cold tomorrow as We extend our sympathy to the forecasts are predicting these above named families We had an enjoyable evening Monday at the Valley Lions Lad les Night with about thirty couples and near a dozen young folks present After a deli The funeral for Mrs Hawk 63 clpus Ham Dinner there was a nice musical program by Mr Jerry McLain and some of his students from our Valley 6 schools The numbers included a vocal solo three flute solos and a drum solo The pupils seem to be making very nice progress for their first year of band and music lessons Val ley President Bud Austingreeted the guests and pre sented local Lion Harold Tur ner Deputy District Governor who served as the of the evening He introduced the Dis trict Governor Harold Richard son and his wife and Lion Bob Vincel and his wife all from Bonne Terre This was the offi cial visit of District Governor Wisconsin A moving van picked Richardson to this club and he paid some nice compliments to our Lions and gave a talk about Lion activities and goals s(or this year He then pre go Iha nii3rpr1v Rallv nf Washington County Methodists ier and his sons Walter and Ly was thorp Tt was a errand evening of inspirational singing at the Methodlst Church ana leuowsnip i social hour refreshments were served by the ladies of the host church The next rally will be at Irondale the fifth Sunday night in June Plans are made for Revival Services to be held at the Tem was held in Bismarck on Wed nesday Sherman Gillam 75 pjQ Baptist Church to begin was ouriea ruesaay ai ine Antioch Cemetery at Quaker after services at the Joseph Chapel Church Jewel Carlsen of Chicago came last Saturday and is visit ing this week with her mother Pearl Tedder and other rela tives here On Monday Doris Brooks took her father in law Wm Brooks to 1 St Louis for his everybody is taylted to attend A I 1 1 a covered disn dinner is to be served at noon on Sunday in the church basem*nt Last night Mrs Lessle Dodd and Mrs Jean Watts were hos tesses for a bridal shower given at the ire House to honor Bon nie Phares Bonnie who is a senior at Valley High School Lewis Ironton and Betty Hultt and a daughter of Grace and Aubrey Phares istobemarrled for failing to stop at the stop next Saturday night at the Lib sign erty Baptist Church On riday Mr and Mrs Glen Minter and family moved Into the house which they recently bought from Mr and Mrs rank Hays He is employed with St Joe Lead Company and they had lived near Courtois for several Their daughter Kathy atterids VaUey High School and new location Congratulations go to Linda and Tommy Barlow whose little son was born Saturday PM March 22 at the Washington County Hospital at Potosi They have a little girl two and Linda is the daughter of Minnie and years roirrra Dnvor The monthly WSCS meeting Denise goes to the Belgrade was neia at we ivieuiutust ciiurcu Wednesday PM but only a few women were able to attend The regular Wesleyan Guild meeting school We welcome this new family to our community Mr and Mrs Robert Ogle of Viburnum who are members of the Belgrade Eastern Star rec ently sent an Invitation to the local chapter for the wedding of Symington To Speak At MBA Meeting James Gamble executive Is chairman of the organization vice president of the Meramec and membership committee to Basin Association Kirkwood announced this week that US Senator Stuart Symington will committee Is responsible for: be principal speaker at the as presenting a slate of candidates Individual nomtaatlonsalsotnay be made by submitting the name of the nominee to the executive office The name of a nominee must be received no later than April 5 and written consent of the nominee is required Bal lots will be mailed out April1 10 Gamble said A member of the board must be 21 years of age a support tag member of the association a resident in one of the 15 Basin' counties including Jefferson County or the City of St Louis' and have demonstrated an Interest in community and area affairs and displayed lead ership in the same and shall display a willingness to active ly espouse the objectives of the ON AND ATER April 15 1969 IRE TAGS WILL BE $1500 AGENT 734 2230 Bismarck the Belgrade Methodist church Nursing Home on Sunday to visit eVITkVb on Thursday night April 3 and his father Jim Pierce and her the worship service at 9:30 Eas brother Clyde Buckley ter morning Also there is a Sunrise service at theCaledonla Methodist Church early Easter moming Tuesday Aorll 1 This Is had another sample of winter and Doris Brooks Martha and ool Day so hope all this week with light snow on Dewey Welker Grade Stricklin make lt through without ex nArienlno Iaa manv nianlrc Supt and Mrs A Knapp March was not too vicious a Lion School seniors attended the few days the temperatureshave funeral yesterday of Sandra i been sub normal after a rata itzgerald who was a senior late riday It stayed In the at Valley Her unexpected death 3OS Saturday and only In the early Tuesday was a shock to the 40s slnce then a Ught last night as It began to warmer and Is cloudy this In order to finance additional programs the House has been told there is a need for a tax Increase 542 part of the tax package would abolish dividend credits of corporations when calculating Income taxes 542 Which was perfected schooi classes at armtaeton rier fhA Uxsiba probably to utilize the present St Joseph High School The Wedge 734 2404 Iron Mountain Passbook savings paying 4 a year or Savings Certificates of 6 or 12 months paying 5 a year Bank by mail postage paid both ways BELGRADE NEWS By MRS GEORGE HORTON With EVANGELIST Bernie Crum POLICY: Does not hive a replant clause This means we pay for the loss not the cost of replanting w' 5 Reduced cost after first year of policy Payment not due until October 1 for details call 766 2145 man to Marble Hill for his I During the was g00d to see SQ many of my relatives again but it is regretful that we wait for funer als to bring us together While in Marble Hill yester day I visited for a short time with Mrs Connor who lives just across the street from the Schreiner home I found her pretty well and she sent her greetings to all her friends In the Belgrade Caledonia area A COMPARE I A MB MB BB IB MBa BB BB Ma i I I I 2 tamHIHIlUU ACe rp 'III liH a ELGRAD.

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Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)


What is it like to live in Bismarck? ›

Bismarck is a town in North Dakota with a population of 73,694. Bismarck is in Burleigh County and is one of the best places to live in North Dakota. Living in Bismarck offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Bismarck there are a lot of coffee shops and parks.

Who is the Chief of Police in Bismarck? ›

The Chief of Police is Dave Draovitch. Chief Draovitch is responsible for all functions of the Bismarck Police Department.

What is the history of Bismarck Missouri? ›

Bismarck was first laid out and platted in 1868. It was named after the Iron Chancellor of Germany, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, as there was a strong desire to attract German immigrants to the growing railroad area. The railroad ran through the town from the northwest to the southeast.

What is Bismarck North Dakota known for? ›

Bismarck is also known as a site on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and as the home of the Dakota Zoo. The city is the seat of Bismarck State (community) College (founded 1939) and the University of Mary (founded 1955).

What is the coldest month in Bismarck? ›

January is the coldest month. Temperatures average from 2° F in the north to 17° F in the southwest with an average of fifty days below 0°. July is the warmest month with temperatures averaging 67° F in the north and 73° F in the south. Temperatures over 90° are common.

Is Bismarck a small town? ›

It is the state's second-most populous city, after Fargo. The population was 73,622 at the 2020 census, and was estimated to be 75,092 in 2023, while its metropolitan population was 133,626. In 2020, Forbes magazine ranked Bismarck as the seventh fastest-growing small city in the United States.

Who is the director of the City of Bismarck Public Works? ›

Salwei, Steve

Who is the general manager of the Bismarck Bucks? ›

Greg Schuh - General Manager - Bismarck Bucks Football | LinkedIn.

Who is the commissioner of the GCPD? ›

GCPD Commissioner James Gordon is the Dark Knight's greatest ally, and one of his closest friends. Batman may be the sworn guardian of Gotham City, but the man who makes it possible for the Dark Knight to safeguard its streets is James Gordon.

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

Genevieve, the first permanent white settlement in what is now Missouri, was founded by 1750. The Treaty of Fontainebleau, which would transfer French Louisiana to Spain, was signed on November 3, 1762.

What is Bismarck famous for? ›

Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) was a Prussian politician who under the position of chancellor (Prime Minister) achieved the Unification of Germany in 1871. Bismarck was born into a wealthy family and studied law in 1832.

What is the black population in Bismarck North Dakota? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Bismarck, ND are White (Non-Hispanic) (85.1%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (4.12%), American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) (3.58%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (2.53%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (0.974%).

Is Bismarck ND A good place to live? ›

Plus, Bismarck's 72,000 residents benefit from the region's low crime rates and top-notch health care, education and housing options. But, of course, Bismarck's great quality of life doesn't break the bank, either – media home values here are around $247,000.

Is North Dakota expensive to live in? ›

The cost of living in North Dakota is 5% lower than the national average. Housing is 16% lower than the national average, while utilities are 1% lower. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 1% lower than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs 1% lower.

How much snow does Bismarck North Dakota get a year? ›

Period of Record : 07/01/1948 to 12/31/1953
Average Min. Temperature (F)-5.929.8
Average Total Precipitation (in.)0.8816.41
Average Total SnowFall (in.)13.549.2
Average Snow Depth (in.)62
1 more row

Why is it so cheap to live in North Dakota? ›

Taxes. Along with cheaper accommodations and commodities, how taxes work in N.D. allows you to keep more of your hard-earned cash in your bank account with some of the lowest state income taxes around.

Is it a good idea to move to North Dakota? ›

North Dakota is known for its low tax burden, making it an attractive destination for residents seeking a more favorable financial environment. The state boasts one of the lowest income tax rates in the United States, allowing individuals to keep a more significant portion of their earnings.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.