Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (2024)

So I finally created fully automated Rocket Launching and Landing System.

Videos of Launching and Landing is at end

Requirement : A Scanner Network of 6 Scanner for prediction of incoming objects with 100% efficiency (if lower then timing in gates have to beset very carefully).

Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (1)

Right Side Circuit is for Rocket Launching and Left Side Circuit is for Rocket Returning and Gantry Opening and Closing.

Features : 1.Rocket becomes able to LaunchWhen User had authorized the Launch(Lower Right corner Clock Sensor).

2.Rocket becomes able to LaunchWhen No meteorite Shower(Lower Right corner AND gate right Input).

3.Rocket becomes able to Launch When Rocket is Ready for Launch and its Output Port becomes Active(Middle Right Side AND gate Left Input)

(Rocket INPUT and OUTPUT port is in Center)

4.Bunker Door Opens when all three above condition are satisfied [i.e. Output from OR gate(Connected to door, Right Side Second gate from top) becomes Active which is receiving Active input for either rocket launch or rocket return(Explained later After Point No.9) from each of its input ports].

So in actual firstthree cases are for setting up the condition favorable for launching the rocket and bunker door opening and actual rocket launch happens when....(Explained later Point No. 7)

5.Also As soon as rocket is ready Gantry is closed whose input comes from Memory Toggle Gate followed by a not gate.You can seeOutput from Rocket Port Split into two one goes to Launching System(Point No. 3 above) and others goes to Left Side from top 3rd automation wireto Set port of Memory Toggle gate which makes its output active and after that NOT gate makes it Inactive which goes to Gantry input ant it is closed (Memory Toggle gate is in Upper Left below Scanner and just right side of it is NOT gate). Here it has to be used a Memory Toggle gate because gantry is to be kept closed till rocket had returned and then open it after rocket landing (Explained later after Point No.9 )

6.Space Scanner(set to detect rocket) only becomes Active when Gantry is closed meaning either Rocket is in Space or Going to be launched.For it to be happened Power Supply of rocket is Resumed and Paused by a power switch whose input comes from Gantry condition followed by a NOT gate(NOTgate and power switch is inLower Left Corner).

7.Now After Point No. 4 Output from OR gate also goes to a Filter gate then to input port of Rocket.Filter gate adds a delay of 40 seconds(Bunker Door opening Time) for becoming its output Active after its Input had become active and Bunker Door had Started to Open. After 40 seconds door had opened andand filter gate output had become active so does the Input for Rocket Becomes Active and Finally Rocket is Launched .Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (2)

8.After rocket is Launched the Output from Rocket Output port becomes Inactive Sothe both Inputs of OR gate becomes Inactive So does for Doors and itis closed.Also Note thattheOutput from Rocket port becomes Inactive after sufficient time enough for rocket to get out of Launch Tube andgo above Doors in Space, as soon as it becomes Inactive doors can start closing and not collide with flyingRocket.

When Rocket is returning we want:

1.The BunkerDoors To Open - Seems simple as output from scanner becomes active so we can connect it to OR gate with an delay of 160 seconds [200(Advance Prediction) - 40(Door opening)= 160] provided by filter gate and open the doorAutomated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (3)but be careful and watchAutomated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (4) itis more complex than it seems and It took me a lotof time to figure itbecause of lot of uncertainties like: Meteorite shower comes during warning, Meteorite Damage when door is opened, etc....

2.The Gantry To Open After Rocket Had Landed- We can provide the output from the scanner which becomes active if a rocket is incoming to gantry with some delay to open the gantry.I have tasted that at 100% signal strength 200 warning time is for rocket to enter inside the map and after that more time is needed for for rocket to land on platform on which it was build.Also the Output from Scanner will be active for entire period of 200 sec of warning and after till it had landed on its platform.So gantry should open after 200 sec + landing time.For me Landing time after 200 seconds was somewhere between 35 to 40 seconds and I took it about 40 for well beyond safety.So Gantry should be opened after 245Seconds 5 seconds to make sure rocket had landed. I think Landing time may also vary upon position of Platform in Map if someone had checked it let me Know. As it can't be achieved with one gate (as>200) So had to be used two continuous gate in output of scannerbefore going to gantry.

If You only want to know the Delay Time between Rocket Detection and Bunker Door Opening i.e. time to be given to filter gate Go to Bold and Underlined statement just above Point No.9 Because Believe me Below section for reason is going to be get Interesting Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (5).

Uncertainty to be considered and its effects for opening of bunker doors:

1.Rocket Incoming is detected by rocket scanner After a meteorite shower had already been detectedby scanner network (Vice versa of this is always safe you can check): In this caserocket landing time will always lies afterthedoors of scanner networks had closed fully (as bothprediction time wassame of 200 sec),Then after that signal strengths will fall 0% and the rocket scanner will loose its signal for rocket incoming and bunker doors will not open (As I have tested thatthe signal for rocket incoming doesn't hold in scanner till the rocket had landed unlike meteorite shower in which signal ofshower is hold up in scanner till it is over if otherwise let me know). But this can be overcame just by adding two buffer gate for 250 seconds (two gate is needed as >200 sec) holding up of Active signal from scanner. So now we are able to even open up the doors for incoming rocket whose signal is received just before the start of meteorite shower or fully closing of scanner network doors and signal strength loos to 0%. well the Rocket whose detection time is after that are still in unsafe zone breaking of Bunker Doors.

But we also know that each shower in Meteorite Season is of about 100 to 400 Seconds long according to ONI Meteorology byR9MX4.

First consider smallest Shower of 100 Sec in this case time for signal strength for staying at 0% is during the entire period of shower plus some time after which scanner network become active (i.e. most people keeps that time of 50 seconds 40 for door opening and 10 for falling of regolith on ground). So After 150 second the signal is restoredagain to 100%. Considered the Rocket which was scheduled to be detected just after closing of bunker door of scanner network now after signal gain it had still left 50 seconds[200(Prediction time)-150(time after which signal is fully restored in case of 100 sec shower) = 50] before it comes to land so it will be instantly detected after signal gain and doors had to opened in next 50 seconds unlike the normal cases when door had to be opened in 200 second. So now comes the decision of deciding thedelaytime for bunker door opening after rocket detection that we talkedabove in section about what we want if rocket returns (Point no.1 which is in Bold letters). However earlier in that section we said we can keep it 160 second just by subtracting 40 sec of door opening time from prediction time of 200 sec but now had only left with 10 sec [50(time after which door to be opened)-40(Bunker Door opening time)= 10]to provide for filter gate.If we give 0 Second delay than in case of 110 sec shower can also be overcame safely.

Now with 0 seconds as filter gate input we check for longest shower of 400 second and which rocket incoming cases can be survived. For 400 sec shower signal lost time is 450 seconds [400(shower duration)+50(time after which scanner network restart). So among all rockets incoming after signal loos or door closingof scanner network for this 400 sec shower, Safe Rocket Incomingwill be those whose detection time is 110 seconds [200(Prediction time)-50(time after which scanner network restart)-40(Bunker Door opening time) = 110] before the ending of the 400 seconds shower. And It will remain same as 110 seconds for all shower smaller than 400 seconds up to shower of length 110 second for which all rockets incoming will be safe. So for maximum safety of Bunker door we get that With 0 second as delayi.e. Filter Gate Delay Timebetween rocket detection and closing of bunker doorsThe Rockets which will break the Bunker Doorsare those which is scheduled to be detected just after fully closing of scannernetwork door and before the 110 seconds of ending of shower for shower of greater than 110 second lengths

2.Meteorite Damage:As Just above we said that0 second as filter gate input will be good and maximize the time for safe rocket landing but Also in Normal cases of No Meteorite shower It willkeep the door open for 290 seconds [250(time for which Rocket scanner gives active signal as explained in above section of what we want if rocket returns (Point no.2which is in Bold letters)) + 40 second(Bunker door opening time) = 290] plus 250 seconds of buffer gate cool down time So max time of Gate left open is 540 seconds during which it can take damage if possibly any meteorite shower starts to happen. During meteorite session breaks lastfor300 to 1200 seconds so for 540 second their is a good chance of starting a shower. But if Rocket incoming is detected just before the fully closing of scanner network door or signal lost to 0% or just before start of Meteorite shower which all three are same, then With Certaintyas shower had already came For The entire time of 290 seconds All things inside launch tube will have a chance to takemeteorite damage and be destroyed. But if you have least items inside the tube and all walls are made of bunker tiles then it willbe still OK to give 0 seconds as delay. Be careful with placement of Rocket detecting scanner because ifit is inside launch tube and it gets destroyed by meteorite shower then whole things can reset. In my case I had placed it under the bunker door which is not opened the rocket launching and landing as you can see automation wire is only connected to twobunker doors which are just above rockets. And Also even if it get destroyed and signals become inactive still all will remain fine as its output is connected with two continuous Buffer gate that wetalked above point no.1.

One other way of taking meteorite damage is when rocket had landed during unsafe time by breaking the doors and broken bunker doors allow the meteorite to pass through so it will damage the things inside launch tube.

So From Above two points we can decide the delay time between Rocket detection and Door openingbased on Giving Importance to: First How much long we want the Safe time window for Safe Rocket Landing without Breaking Bunker Doors(Broken bunker will also cause meteorite damage during shower)and Second How much meteorite damage we can afford inside Launch Tube during the time of door left opened.Longest Safe time window is possiblewith lowestDelay time of 0 second and Least Meteorite Damage is possible with longest Delay Time of 160 Seconds.For me After safeguarding the rocket scanner by not opening the Bunker Doors above it I didn't needed to worry about Meteorite Damage to any things like for Ladders. So I choose 0 second as Delay.

9.As soon as Rocket Incoming is detected before 200 seconds by the scanner its output become active and alsooutput after two Buffer gate(two for holding Active input for 250 seconds long explained earlier for 250 seconds hold up) become Active which splits in two First goes to filter gate which provide delay for door opening time i took it as 0 second (Explained earlier why 0 second) the output goes to OR gate in right which opens up the bunker doors and it is safe for doors for rocket landing.(Buffer gates arein Left side just below top Gantry and Filter gate is in Center)

10.The other Output which splits from buffer gate goes to two continuous Filter Gate which provide 245seconds(must be less than 250 seconds of buffer gate hold up time) of delay for gantry opening. The Active output from filter gate will goes to Reset port of Memory Toggle which will set its output to Inactive and the Not gate connected to its output will give Active Output to Gantry and it will open up.(Filter Gates are in left side just below gantry and Memory Toggle is above it behind gantry and not gate is beside it )

11.After Landing of Rocket output from scanner will become Inactive so does of buffer gate followed by filter gate then OR gate and then door will be closed.Max time for which door can remain open after rocket landing will be equal to 250 seconds equal to delay in buffer gates.

12.Also as soon as gantry is opened the output of NOT gate connected to gantry input becomes Inactive so does the input for power shutoff connected to power supply ofscanner so power supply for scanner is paused and scanner is switched off.(Not Gate and Power shutoff are in lower left corner)

Actually I have a three rocket adjacent setups and all automation were made of thermium to prevent melting.

Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (6)

I also made a video of rocket launching and landing


Oxygen Not Included Launching.mp4


Oxygen Not Included Landing.mp4

If You want Scanner Detector Network of 6 scanner for 100% efficiency

Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (7)

Video of detector network working (My previous setup not of same that i used in above but both are same)

Detector Network and auto regolith digging.mp4

EDIT: Later I realized that the two buffer doors combined delay time plus the time for which signal inrocket scanner remains active during launching (Yes also during launch rocket scanner gives active output for the period of time just after liftoff and till rocket goes out of map in space) can't be greater than 245 seconds of gantry opening time because due to fact that during launching rocket scanner active output and it will cause the gantry tobe opened after 245 second of launching also which we don't want we only want gantry to be opened after rocket buffer gate delay time should be less than 245 seconds minusthe time for which signal inrocket scanner remains active during launching. and this time for rocket comes to be same as landing time of 35-40 seconds.So buffer gate delay time reduces to 210seconds (250(previous delay time) - 40(the time for which signal inrocket scanner remains active during launching) = 210). And reducingit willcause us to get decreased duration for safe landing possible time window. So now we have to give both buffer gate combined delay of 210second or we can only use one buffer gate with 200 second. NowThe Rockets which are not safe and which will break the Bunker Doorsare those which is scheduled to be detected just after fully closing of scannernetwork door and before the 150 seconds of ending of shower for shower of greater than 70 sec [110(previous safe shower)-40(the time for which signal inrocket scanner remains active during launching)= 70]. But we already know all showers are greater than 100 sec so for all showers.

Automated Rocket Launching and Landing (And Max possible Time window for safe Landing ) (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.